1 healthy life◆ 别熬夜,睡得早一点Don't stay up late, go to bed earlier日出而作,日落而息。好好睡觉,养成良好的作息。免疫力是一个人最大的竞争力。Work at sunrise, and rest at sunset. Sleep well and form a good routine. Immunity is a person's greatest competitiveness.◆ 别挑食,吃得杂一点Don't be picky about food《黄帝内经》里说:五谷为养、五果为助、五畜为益、五菜为充。气味和而服之,以补益精气。According to Huangdi's Internal Classic, five grains are for keeping, five fruits for helping, five animals for benefit and five vegetables for filling. Smell and take it to replenish the essence.◆ 别邋遢,勤打扫一点◆ don't be sloppy, clean up frequently这次病情,让很多人养成了家居消毒的习惯。干净的居室不仅可以放松心情,还利于保持健康。This illness, let a lot of people develop the habit of home disinfection. A clean room can not only relax the mood, but also keep healthy.◆ 别太懒,运动多一点◆ don't be too lazy, exercise more生命在于运动。一个人只有经常锻炼身体,才能让自己保持活力。Life is in motion. Only when one exercises regularly can one keep energetic.◆ 别多想,心放宽一点◆ don't think too much, relax a little除了身体健康之外,情绪上也要保持健康。In addition to physical health, keep healthy emotionally.
2 cherish the people around you这场事件搅乱了许多人的生活,却也教会了大家要懂得珍惜。This incident has disturbed many people's lives, but also taught us to cherish.当平静的生活被打破,和重视的人连见一面都成了奢望时,我们才发现平日里那些一直被忽略的琐碎幸福是多么珍贵。When the quiet life is broken, and the people who attach importance to it become extravagant even to see one side, we can find how precious the trivial happiness that has been ignored in our daily life is.随时能约出来见面的朋友,唠叨却真心关心自己的父母,偶尔吵架却谁也离不开谁的伴侣,这些人都平安健康地活着,热热闹闹地存在在自己的生命中,这多么难能可贵。Friends who can meet at any time, NAG but really care about their parents, and who can't live without their partners when they quarrel occasionally, these people are safe and healthy, live in their own lives, which is so precious.我们永远不知道明天和意外哪个先来,能做到的,唯有在拥有时,加倍重视,用心陪伴。We never know which comes first tomorrow or accident. What we can do is to pay more attention to and accompany with our heart when we have it.等病情结束后,抱一抱我们爱的那些人。但也别忘了,在生活归于平静之后,唠叨和争吵再度降临时,依然记得此时此刻,这份想要永远珍惜他们的心情。When the disease is over, hold the people we love. But don't forget that when nagging and quarreling come again after life is calm, you still remember the moment when you want to cherish their mood forever.
3 continuous growth◆ 要多阅读、思考,提高认知。◆ read and think more and improve cognition.“认识自己的无知是认识世界的最可靠的方法。”在大自然面前,个体是渺小的。但能做的,一定要努力去做;能改变的,一定要尽力去改变。无论何时何地,都要不断成长,日益精进。"To know one's ignorance is the surest way to know the world." In the face of nature, the individual is small. But what can be done, we must try our best to do; what can be changed, we must try our best to change. No matter when and where, we should keep growing and improving.韩愈在《进学解》中写道:“业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。”古人亦有言,人生如逆水行舟,不进则退。想做成任何一件事情,都要辛苦付出;想学到任何一样本领,都要勤于学习。Han Yu wrote in the book "learning through study" that "industry is more diligent than play; practice is more important than thinking, and destruction is more important than following." The ancients also said that life is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will leave. If you want to accomplish anything, you have to work hard; if you want to learn any skill, you have to be diligent in learning.无论人生再苦再难,切记,不能放弃成长。No matter how hard life is, remember not to give up growth.◆ 对孩子的思辨教育◆ speculative education for children当病毒风暴来到移动互联世界,消息与数字满天飞,真假难辨,是非难分。When the virus storm comes to the mobile Internet world, news and numbers are flying all over the world. It's hard to distinguish between true and false, right and wrong.与其把我们可能是二手三手的消息转述给孩子,不如和孩子一起提升批判性思维与科学素养,不盲从、不人云亦云,学会提问,勤于质疑,分清事实与观点,并追根溯源,去辨识、推演、论证你所看到的一切。Instead of relaying the second-hand and third-hand news to children, it's better to work with children to improve their critical thinking and scientific literacy, not blindly follow others, learn to ask questions, be diligent in questioning, distinguish facts and opinions, and trace their roots to identify, deduce and demonstrate everything you see.在复杂的世界里,很多时候它更是一种生存本领。In the complex world, it is a kind of survival skill in many times.
四、 未雨绸缪
Take precautions要懂得未雨绸缪。在工作上,要以生命体视角看待企业,以生态视角看待企业与周边的关系。Know how to plan ahead. In work, we should look at the enterprise from the perspective of life and the relationship between the enterprise and its surroundings from the perspective of ecology.通常走得最远的企业,不是最强、最壮、效率最高的企业,而是适应能力佳、学习能力强、最有危机感的企业。这一点无疑与达尔文进化论的核心观点一致,经典概括是“物竞天择,适者生存”。Generally, the enterprises that go furthest are not the strongest, strongest and most efficient ones, but the ones with good adaptability, strong learning ability and the most sense of crisis. This point is undoubtedly consistent with the core view of Darwinian evolution. The classic generalization is "natural selection, survival of the fittest".既要有凝聚力,又要宽容;既要敏感,善于变化,又要坚持自己的独有个性;既要勇于尝试,还要保守。We should not only have cohesion, but also be tolerant; we should be sensitive, be good at change, and adhere to our own unique personality; we should be brave to try, but also conservative.正如美国著名作家菲茨杰拉德在《了不起的盖茨比》中所说:As the famous American writer Fitzgerald said in the Great Gatsby:“对一流头脑的考验,是同时拥有两种不截然不同的想法,但仍然能够执行的能力。 ”"The test of a first-class mind is the ability to have two different ideas at the same time, but still be able to implement them."人到中年也好,经济不景气也罢,无论是什么样的逆境里,有能力的人,永远都有底气。病毒之后,努力提升自己,无论是学识、技能,还是见识。去做之前一直不敢尝试的事情,去学之前一直没下定决心学的东西。No matter what kind of adversity the middle-aged or the economic downturn, the capable people will always have the confidence. After the virus, strive to improve their own knowledge, skills, or knowledge. To do things that you dare not try before, to learn things that you have not decided to learn before.当自己变得足够优秀时,即便面对风雨,也能坦然无惧。When you become good enough, you can be fearless even in the face of wind and rain.
5 with restoring force人生下半场,拼的就是复原力。In the second half of life, it's resilience.“每一个强大的人,都曾咬着牙度过一段没人帮忙、没人支持、没人嘘寒问暖的日子。”上天是为了坚强你的意志,才在道路上设下重重的障碍。每一次触底反弹,都是重生的机会,或许青春已不再,但成熟却深深刻在骨子里。"Every powerful person has been biting his teeth for a period of time when no one helps, supports or asks for help." God is to strengthen your will to set up many obstacles on the road. Every rebound is a chance of rebirth. Maybe youth is no longer there, but maturity is deeply engraved in the bone.生活总会出现不如意, 让豁达和智慧住在内心里,放下过去、不畏将来。There will always be unhappiness in life. Let openness and wisdom live in your heart, let go of the past and do not fear the future.